​This is the School You Have Been Waiting For!

Start Planning Your Financial Future
and Take Control of Your Money with...

Money Multiplier Strategies

​No one knows your financial goals better than you,
but having the expert knowledge you need to manage your money can change your life.

Here’s just one example...

​Establishing a self-directed Roth IRA or other self-directed retirement plan offers access to investment options usually available only to well-connected or very wealthy individuals.

A self-directed IRA account is a faster, safer way to true financial freedom. If you know what how to use these powerful tools you can grow your wealth and secure your future by deciding what types of investments you want to hold in your individual retirement account.

Our expert knowledge empowers you, the IRA owner, to use your own expertise and knowledge to make the right decisions for your money, your investments and your future.

Self-directed IRAs offer numerous, clear benefits for independent-minded investors, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many options you have to discover when you attend this one-day Money Mastery Workshop.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis purus sed nulla vehicula fringilla. Praesent tortor ante, egestas dapibus enim consequat, venenatis feugiat quam. Etiam eleifend sapien nec fermentum pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consequat elementum posuere. Maecenas arcu ipsum, porta sed imperdiet eu, faucibus et dolor. Nullam malesuada aliquet velit scelerisque blandit.

Aliquam feugiat metus in diam pulvinar, a tempor leo bibendum. Quisque ac leo id lacus semper condimentum. Quisque eget nunc quis diam cursus fringilla a a est. Vivamus et odio ac enim vehicula facilisis at vitae risus. Pellentesque et luctus erat. Aliquam venenatis neque id nulla placerat, vitae imperdiet nisl tempor. Donec enim mi, faucibus ut sollicitudin sed, blandit eu neque. Morbi sed porttitor sapien, ut sodales urna. Sed dictum metus et eleifend pellentesque. Praesent ac orci sem. Nulla elementum blandit est, a condimentum eros fringilla ac. Vivamus auctor placerat augue, ac tempus lacus mattis sit amet. Donec viverra ultricies finibus.

Nulla elementum finibus lacus et pretium. Donec gravida ex sed tincidunt faucibus.Phasellus ligula magna, bibendum et mauris sed, sagittis interdum massa. Integer pharetra, sem viverra posuere tempor, sem tellus tincidunt dui, in fringilla ante risus nec lectus. Nullam faucibus malesuada est, id tincidunt ipsum interdum suscipit. Proin dignissim elementum odio a elementum. Curabitur ullamcorper dolor egestas, fermentum nibh eu, hendrerit augue. Aenean nec ligula et erat imperdiet tincidunt. Sed hendrerit euismod efficitur. Sed pretium convallis hendrerit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis purus sed nulla vehicula fringilla. Praesent tortor ante, egestas dapibus enim consequat, venenatis feugiat quam. Etiam eleifend sapien nec fermentum pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consequat elementum posuere. Maecenas arcu ipsum, porta sed imperdiet eu, faucibus et dolor. Nullam malesuada aliquet velit scelerisque blandit.

Aliquam feugiat metus in diam pulvinar, a tempor leo bibendum. Quisque ac leo id lacus semper condimentum. Quisque eget nunc quis diam cursus fringilla a a est. Vivamus et odio ac enim vehicula facilisis at vitae risus. Pellentesque et luctus erat. Aliquam venenatis neque id nulla placerat, vitae imperdiet nisl tempor. Donec enim mi, faucibus ut sollicitudin sed, blandit eu neque. Morbi sed porttitor sapien, ut sodales urna. Sed dictum metus et eleifend pellentesque. Praesent ac orci sem. Nulla elementum blandit est, a condimentum eros fringilla ac. Vivamus auctor placerat augue, ac tempus lacus mattis sit amet. Donec viverra ultricies finibus.

Nulla elementum finibus lacus et pretium. Donec gravida ex sed tincidunt faucibus.Phasellus ligula magna, bibendum et mauris sed, sagittis interdum massa. Integer pharetra, sem viverra posuere tempor, sem tellus tincidunt dui, in fringilla ante risus nec lectus. Nullam faucibus malesuada est, id tincidunt ipsum interdum suscipit. Proin dignissim elementum odio a elementum. Curabitur ullamcorper dolor egestas, fermentum nibh eu, hendrerit augue. Aenean nec ligula et erat imperdiet tincidunt. Sed hendrerit euismod efficitur. Sed pretium convallis hendrerit.


Brent Kesler

Special Guest

​Brent was a Chiropractor and Chiropractic coach for over 14 years - in what seems like a previous life to him at this point. After implementing his The Money Multiplier (TMM) Method,  Brent was able to pay off $984,711 in 3rd party debt in 39 months.

Brent became so passionate about how powerful this concept was, he began to share it with others. For the last 5 plus years, Brent has been lecturing to thousands of people around the country on the dynamics of the TMM Method and helping individuals to break the bonds of financial slavery and taking control of their own financial life.
Brent has a passionate belief that whether you make $10/hour or $10,000/hour you should know and have this powerful information and keep control of your own money.

Will Be Giving You Strategies On...

  • ​How to save more money
  • How to get out of debt years earlier
  • How to increase your wealth without adding any new income

​Dan Zitofsky

​Creator of the Passive Wealth Academy​

​Dan is a #1 best selling author of his first book “Passive to Prosperous” and has closed more than 1000 fix and flips, 650 rental properties, 800+ doors in multi-family projects and more than 1,000 private money and non-performing note transactions.
Dan is an International Speaker and educator on Raising 1 Million Dollars of More in 90 days or Less, Creating True Passive Wealth Becoming the Bank and the newest Webinar, “Creating over $10,000 Monthly in a Passive Income Rental Portfolio”

Will Be Giving You Strategies On...

  • How to Prepare Your Company Biography
  • How To Raise Money and Protect Lenders
  • Where To Find Potential Lenders Actively
  • How To Prepare Your Private Lending Presentation
  • Why Learning to Raise Money This Way Will Grow Your Business

​​​Larry Steinhouse

​​​Co-Founder Investor Schooling

​As a long-term investor, Larry knows his stuff!  As a business coach, Larry has helped people to learn new ways of making any business more portable. His Marketing Skills are top notch, both on and off line. Have you seen him before? If not, you will soon!

As co-Founder in Investor Schooling, Larry teaches students how to make real money and build real wealth. He has helped his students through every step of the process of searching for, buying, rehabbing and then renting or selling Real Estate and he also teaches, How to Invest in Stock Options.

Larry has a passion for investing in good, profitable properties.

Larry specializes in buying properties with little, or none, of his own money. His favorite method is buying houses “Subject to” the original mortgage. A close second is seller financing and then comes private lenders. Larry has even bought houses using credit cards. As a long-term investor in this business, Larry knows his stuff! As a business coach, Larry has helped people to learn new ways of making any business more profitable. He enjoys helping others learn to earn money and build real wealth.

Larry’s other passion is Stock Options.  

A few years ago, Larry created a set of rules for trading options and it has proven to be very profitable. In just one three year period, Larry earned almost $750,000  
Larry also specializes in building credit and rebuilding credit scores.

After a financial disaster in 2008, Larry filed for bankruptcy and has learned some amazing secrets to rebuilding credit. Using these techniques, Larry has built his available credit on credit cards to over a half-million dollars!

​Will Be Giving You Strategies On...

  • Learn how to buy properties with "No Money".
  • ​Invest in what you know and understand.
  • Turn your IRA or 401k into a bank
  • Learn how to get incredible amounts of credit from credit card companies

​Phil Falcone

​Co-Founder Investor Schooling

​Phil Falcone started his real estate investing career at age 23. He is the author of two books on the subject. The first is “Addicted To Real Estate - Why I Can’t Stop and Why You Should Start”, the second is “How to Buy Houses With None of Your Own Money”.  

Phil owns commercial properties as well as vacation rentals.

He also owns the most famous “Tiny-House Park” in America. Located in Siesta Key, Florida, this tiny home park has been featured in “The Wall Street Journal” and on several televised newscasts. Phil continues to be an avid investor with a passion to teach others the art of real estate investing!

Phil’s favorite way to buy houses is with seller financing.

He has negotiated millions of dollars in deals using this simple technique.
How much does he pay in interest for this? Usually 0%!
Phil’s stories about his deals will keep you riveted to your seat! Get ready for a wild ride!
Ask him how he bought a $2.5 Million building with just $15,000 in the bank!

​Will Be Giving You Strategies On...

  • ​Learn how to manage rental properties and make 10X the returns.
  • Learn how Phil Manages AIRBNB and VRBO to get more bookings.
  • Learn why private money is "Easy Money".
  • Learn how to create quick money with "wholesaling" real estate.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis purus sed nulla vehicula fringilla.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis purus sed nulla vehicula fringilla.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis purus sed nulla vehicula fringilla.

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​Investor Schooling
108 Corporate Dr E.,
Langhorne, PA, USA

Events Details

Date Time:

​Saturday, October 12th
 Breakfast and Check-In is 8:30 am
Start Time 9:00 a.m.

​© Copyright School of Investment LLC, dba Investor Schooling 2019

​Investor Schooling

Investor Schooling is a DBA of School of Investment Our Headquarters is 108 Corporate Dr E, Langhorne PA -- Contact us at 267-988-0100

Results are not guaranteed!

Stock Options and Real Estate Investing have inherent risks, and these should not be taken lightly. Any Claims made in this presentation are “OUR RESULTS” or the stated results of students. Your results may differ. Results are also based on effort. I promise that if you do nothing, your results will be nothing. If you actively learn and participate in any programs, your chances of success will increase dramatically but are not guaranteed. Like with any program designed to help your financial success, you need to be prudent and responsible for your actions.

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